Wanted to do a film noir story. EWS/WS/CU/POV/MS/DA/CBS/OTS/ECU/HA/LA Mad libs exercise with an animal, action and a job. My buddy Pedro answered deer, shooting and hunter. Used the High Angle twice. EWS/POV/CU/WS/MS/DA/CBS/OTS/HA/ECU/HA/LA
I spent too long on yesterday's story so I had only 2 hours to do this. I was running out of ideas so I asked a friend to name me an animal, an action, and a job. I hope you enjoy Squirrel Grocer Climbing! Planned shot order: EWS/WS/MS/OTS/LA/CU/POV/HA/DA/ECU/CBS This story was inspired by a conversation I had with my Chinese friends who lament about the increasing pollution back in their hometowns. The initial idea I had was unoriginal: affluent guy goes back to hometown to see it polluted, flashbacks to when he was a poor kid having fun in pristine nature. I tossed that idea out for a story that puts the viewer in the shoes of the polluters. Why do they do what they do? If circumstances allowed them to, surely they would provide for their families in a manner that did not harm the environment. This story took much longer to do because the concept was a complicated one to convey in just 11 shots. I also had to forsake the LA, ECU and DA shots because they were inappropriate for the story. Planned shot order: EWS/WS/POV/CU/MS/HA/CBS/OTS/MS**/CU**/CU** Still listening to the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack so I did a simple story about jazz musicians. Planned shot order EWS/OTS/MS/CU/DA/WS/CBS/HA/LA/POV/ECU Today's story is inspired by SJ, a S Korean friend who postponed his art education for his national service. Glad to see him back in sch after 2 years. Man, time flies! Planned shot order: POV/WS/CU/HA/DA/CBS/MS/EWS/LA/OTS/ECU Got bored of the random shot exercise so I planned the shot sequence today. Was running out of ideas and initially wanted to do a story about a pigeon. Somehow this story came out instead lulz 21 Jun EWS/WS/CU/POV/LA/OTS/ECU/MS/CBS/DA/HA Inspired by the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack, I decided to do a futuristic bounty hunter story. 20 Jun POV/CBS//OTS/MS/WS/CU/DA/HA/ECU/LA/EWS Another random shot exercise. I have been inspired enormously these past few days by the genius of Tatsuyuki Tanaka and Yasushi Nirasawa. I also chanced upon Donata Giancola's process video of Joan of Arc and The Mechanic (Damn! I miss oil painting). Lastly, I started listening to the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack again. 2 more days before summer school starts, which means less time for 11shots and exploring. Shall enjoy it while it lasts! 18 JUN OTS/WS/ECU/HA/DA/CU/EWS/CBS/LA/POV |
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